Are you a fitness queen and do you set aside time with your partner for your sport? Or is your relationship your top priority and your training is falling by the wayside? Just work out with your loved one – in the studio, in the park, or on the mat, just as you like it. Because training together not only strengthens your body but also your relationship.
Sport is not only a magnet for getting to know each other, joint activities connect you in the long term. We’ll tell you how to get started as a fitness couple in sports and in your relationship. Because if you make an appointment to do sports, you get involved with your partner.
Self-love – Being Trained In Your Own Strengths And Weaknesses
- Sporty people can be satisfied with their bodies. You find yourself attractive and that affects your partner. He feels magically attracted to you.
- People who are physically active also need less help and lend a hand whenever they can. You are totally your wife!
- Before you take your stress out on your partner, you’ll release pent-up aggression during your workout.
- Your partner appreciates your discipline and commitment. If you don’t feel like training, he’ll cheer you on. If he is unmotivated, you push yourself to exercise.
- Since you also know each other completely exhausted, the pressure to always look perfect decreases.
- You get to know each other’s weaknesses and lure the other out of his comfort zone.
Train Together – This Is How It Works
Seeing And Appreciating Individual Peculiarities – You Complement Each Other Perfectly
Your physique is different, your height, your strength, your endurance, and your flexibility. See his and your peculiarities. Customize your workouts to suit you and your partner. Find out what is best for each other together.
Motivate Each Other
Tell your partner what you like about them. You only give feedback if your partner asks for it. Unsolicited criticism is a pleasure killer in a relationship. Focus on his strengths and use humor to encourage him to overcome his small weaknesses.
Find Common Ground – Develop Together
Set goals and take yourself to a high level. Anyone who pursues common goals and achieves them together becomes a real “dream team”. Exercising as a couple is not only fun, it brings you to a high level of fitness. Your partner offers you resistance and boosts your ambition.
Your Common Goal, Your Place And Your Time
Set your sporting goal at the meeting. Working out together at the gym, in the park, or in the living room – as a couple you will find your favorite place and time that best suits your lifestyle.
Find your perfect place or switch places. Plan your time or be spontaneous. Adapt to each other and find your balance between structure and variety. Clarify what is important to you during training and what is important to your partner.
Make Your Relationship Harmonious And Exciting
- When you exercise, you not only get in shape, but you arrange to meet at a precious time. Couples spend significantly more time together when they combine sport and couple time.
- People who are active in sports have similar ideas about nutrition and therefore argue less. You enjoy healthy food, exceptions, and delicious nutritional sins included.
- On vacation, couples who play sports are more likely to agree on a place to visit.
- Anyone who pursues a common hobby will find a present for the other person more quickly.
- Devoting yourself to a passion as a couple makes you happy and connects you in the long term.
The Balance Between Connection And Letting Go
If you don’t get together for an exercise, don’t force it. Stay cool and find alternatives. Everyone can do their own favorite exercise. Those who are active usually want more of it. Everyone can stay true to their passion. You do yoga and he swims. When you play sports together, you get back together.
Training Together: A Strong Team In Sports And In Life
Couples take on the role of advisor, supporter, coach, teammate, opponent, and motivator for one another. This way you don’t just get closer to each other in sports.
Together you are even stronger and a role model for friends who experience your lifestyle.
Partners not only train strength, balance, and flexibility. They learn to react to each other, communicate with each other, and immerse themselves in each other’s worlds.
It’s easier to persevere together. Your muscles are shaking, but so is his. You want to give up, but your partner thinks you can do better, and so can you.
Train Together And Experience Happiness
The body releases endorphins during training – you spend your time happy and full of energy. As you release hormones at the same time, you become closer as each of you associates happiness with the other.
Those who are active in sports have more desire for touch and sex. After training, things get sensual: a shower together, a massage – spending time doing sports together makes you want more.
Partner Exercises – A Workout For Couples
Whether strength endurance training or explosive power – each of you has the choice. Let off steam and take individual preferences into account. This is how you get to know and love each other better.
Partner exercises remain exciting, they lure you out of your comfort zone and make you a dream partner or an opponent to be taken seriously. Whether exercises with assistance or a team action, here you challenge each other, adapt to each other, and see the world through the eyes of the partner. This is not only exciting in sports but also provides a tingling change in your relationship.
When you walk together, you look in the same direction. High five in the plank position, holding hands during squats, or a kiss with every crunch, let yourself be surprised by what happens. If you do your high-intensity interval training, you can look deep into your eyes. Romantic, playful, or sexy – anything is possible when you train together.